Hello its been a while since we last posted, hope you're all doing well and looking forward to Spring (let's hope it's a warm one this year!).
As you may have noticed we haven't opened yet; normally February is our opening month for the year. This is due to quite a lot of road blocks we have come across dating back to last year.
A trying time it has been I can tell you.
A lot of you are aware we let a company use half of our car park. Now this was to help bring fibre Internet connectivity to ours and surrounding communities, as I have spoken to many of you about the terrible speed we have round here.
Working in the industry for many years as a network engineer I thought this would be beneficial to us all. I admit I was wrong on this one. Every turn with them has been met with resistance to do the right thing.
As most of us know they pulled out the area at the beginning of last year, I think it was. From August I had asked them to remove their equipment from the car park. It has taken till now to get anywhere with them and still not complete yet. But will be soon I hope.
Their time here has rendered our car park unusable currently. To be honest their actions have been downright upsetting as well as frustrating, not to mention the stress.
We are working to rectify what they have done, but it'll take a few weeks. This is what has been holding us up from opening this year. They are not making good on the car park so this is now down to us.
I had considered legal action but this may impact future business plans as we have events in the planning stages and our first wedding this year. We don't want to have the upset to ours and other people's plans pursuing something that could take months to resolve, all with the car park being unusable as it is investigated.
We have a lot of work to do in the car park as well as all the usual plant related activities of seeding and repotting, but we assure you we'll be open again as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance for your patience.

Paul & Tam