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Happy 2024 gardeners January is finally here

Writer: Tam JohnsonTam Johnson

Happy 2024 gardeners January is finally here for meany that have started and thinking about starting here is a quick get ya going guide for this month

I love veg, well growing it as it one of the easiest and its not just a pretty plant it can be used in so meany ways unlike pretty plants.

A lot of you may have some in the poly and over wintered to see you though until spring. Good for you I am not that organised I tend to grow the plugs and plants and have fresh veg about until October and that's about it for me I get rapped up in other projects to keep on top of it.

But now is the time to start seeding


  • Chillies

pick a pot, any pot the smaller the better at this point. 1 cm sell works best for me as I grow a lot and space is a problem in the propagators. But fill with soil and place the seed about 6 mm deep and cover with light sifted soil (us a metal sift works est) water well and keep warm about 20 degrees and mist if needed.

  • Microgreens such as radish, spinach, beetroot, mizuna, rocket, coriander, mustard and fennel

Easy so so easy. And kids can join in just like cress at school :) you can use paper towel or a thin layer of soil in a flat tray. About ½ inch to an inch of soil in a tray. Cover with seeds, a good hand full and thick covering cover with more soil about ¼ inch and water well and in 10 ish day you will have a eatable mat of micro greens and you can sow them every 5 days if you use a lot of them

  • Herb seeds

one of my favorite to grow. For the home grower a 10 cm pot filled to about an inch from the top and a good sprinkle of a herb of you choosing and a good sifted soil about 6 mm water well. If you have a poly stick em in there.

Rosemary, sage, thyme 1 seed in a cell abort 1 cm and about 5 cells to 10 cells

some my not make it and if thy do you have neighbours

other to sow

  • Potatoes

  • Onion seeds

  • Garlic: outside

  • Fruit: woodland strawberries, “Glaskin’s Perpetual” rhubarb

Flowers are a good way to get started for summer you can get some seeds in now if you have that guarding itch and lets face it its been a long wet winter and not much to do out side other that take a shower here are some suggestions to sow this month in the green house and if you don't have a green house a windows to let us do the hard work and we will have some available soon


  • Sweet peas

  • Snapdragons

seed tray with moist soil in a cell about 2 cm 2 seeds. A large 10 cm pot 5 seeds

  • Pelargoniums

this is a bit more in-depth so look out for a guide coming soon

  • Carnations/ pinks

have a wonder full 2024 and we will be back open February time



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